
Arabic-Swedish dictionary  
Subject Number of entries
General 11.064
Microsoft 9.774
Environment 5.602
Electronics 2.090
Mathematics 1.939
Statistics 1.891
Radio 1.385
Antennas and waveguides 1.021
Lighting other than cinema 927
Electric traction 743
Radiology 703
Telegraphy 677
Vacuum tubes 639
Magnetics 592
Thermal Energy 592
Telecommunications 563
Power lines 524
Electricity generation 511
Isolation 494
Electric motors 472
Physics 455
Electric machinery 402
Rail transport 398
Sound recording 397
Power system protection 347
Semiconductors 341
Electrical engineering 261
Radiobiology 252
Cables and cable production 251
Computer networks 250
Telephony 246
Power electronics 233
Transformers 211
Accumulators 188
Satellite communications 176
Welding 142
Automatic control 135
Metrology 105
Wind Energy 99
Video recording 67
Reliability 51
Printed circuit boards 32
Book binding 2
Total: 47.244